
Google Tech Day

Material Science Tech Seminar: Design for sustainability and performance

Material Science Tech Seminar: Design for sustainability and performance

There is a global innovation race to engineer more sustainable materials. Join us on Tuesday, July 9, 2019, for a tech seminar to learn how Envalior—a leading global material science company and official partner of The Ocean Cleanup—is working to create the next generation of sustainable material solutions for consumer electronics.

Envalior Material Science Tech Seminar
Tuesday, July 9, 1-4 p.m. PDT
Google Campus
1220 Charleston Rd. Mountain View, CA 94043
MTV-1220-1-Wayne Manor

1 p.m. – Welcome and Introductions

  • Felice Szeto-Wong, Account Manager, Envalior
  • Jacki Laiz, Materials Engineer, Google

1:15 p.m. – Creating a Purpose Led, Performance Driven Strategy

Envalior’s focus on sustainability has led to recognition in Fortune’s Companies Changing the World list and the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Marnell will share how these efforts align with Google’s ongoing leadership in corporate responsibility.

  • Matt Marnell, Commercial Manager, Envalior

1:45 p.m. – Engineering for Performance without Compromising Sustainability

Growing environmental consciousness is driving the next generation of sustainable material solutions. Learn how innovative material science can transform discarded fishing nets, castor bean plants, and both consumer and industrial waste into advanced engineering plastics without compromising performance.

  • Jim Pike, Senior Application Development Engineer, Envalior
  • Geert Van Den Poel, Product Development Engineer, Envalior

2:45 p.m. – Networking Break

3 p.m. – The Design Implications of Resin Color Pigments

In the competitive world of IOT devices, color and design are increasingly important differentiators. Learn more about the important implications of material selection on device colors.  

  • Rob Leversedge, Technical Manager, Clariant Masterbatches

3:45 – Closing Remarks, Q&A

  • Felice Szeto-Wong, Account Manager, Envalior
  • Jacki Laiz, Materials Engineer, Google

4 p.m. – Adjourn

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