
Material science to reduce vacuum brake booster failures

The braking system is the most important safety feature for any vehicle, and it needs to work every time, flawlessly for the lifetime of the vehicle. When automakers needed strong but lightweight material brake boosters, they leveraged Arnite® A for strength and reliability. Today, it is used in more than 300 million vehicles without a significant failure.  

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Arnite® AV2 370 /B

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35% Glass Reinforced

"Arnite® (PBT, PET and blends) are high-performance engineering plastics that combine high strength and rigidity with excellent processing characteristics. As a result, Arnite® A (PET)  and Arnite® T (PBT) are well suited for a broad range of automotive, electrical & electronic and consumer goods applications."

"A wide portfolio of Arnite® is available including unreinforced, reinforced and flame retardant grades."

  • 35% Glass Reinforced
  • Brake Booster Body Valves

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