
PlasticsFinder.com now includes a Toolbox with gear specifications and melt residence calculations

Envalior has updated Plasticsfinder.com with a brand new feature—the PlasticsFinder Toolbox. This Toolbox enables users to select gear material grades based on specifying the torque, gear design and main boundary conditions, and use the MRT tool to calculate the melt residence time. More tools will be added in the coming months. 

The Gears selection tool lets users input torque, gear pitch diameter, number of teeth, gear width and root stress. Additional information can be included about the expected failure modes, such as tooth root breakage or tooth wear. When utilizing this additional information, the tool will recommended a material.

Another helpful tool is the Melt Residence Time Calculation, which gives an indication of melt residence time, based on material grade, melt volume, shot weight and cycle time, all with respect to the given temperature ranges as stated in the grade’s injection molding recommendations. Calculations for both gears and melt residence time can be exported to a PDF document.

Tips and tricks for searching materials on PlasticsFinder.com

Here are three tips and tricks users can follow when searching technical details and application examples for more than 600 unique material grades in one easy and mobile-friendly website.

1. Filters are your friends: Type any search term into the search bar on the plasticsfinder.envalior.com homepage to start your search. Once you reach the search results page, you can limit your search to products, applications or both. The search can be further narrowed by polymer family, sustainability, processing technology, characteristics, automotive OEM specifications, and more.

2. Download details: Browse to the download section of a product page to access product data sheets, injection molding recommendations, quality documents and other overview materials. Industry-specific overview materials and videos are available on the application pages.

3. Compare and contrast: To access a side-by-side comparison of general information, rheological properties, mechanical properties, thermal properties and other technical details, return to the search results page and choose “products’’ in the filter results toolbox.

Select the products to compare using the checkbox for each relevant product search result on the page. To load the side-by-side comparison, click the “compare selection” button at the top of the page. This appears as a ribbon with the number of selected products on mobile devices.

To learn more about Envalior’s advanced materials or plasticsfinder.envalior.com, contact us or visit plasticsfinder.envalior.com.

Candace Roulo

Global Manager of Messaging and Content Development

Published on

10 March 2020


  • Blog
  • Gears & Actuation
  • Product Datasheets
  • Application Datasheets

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Candace Roulo

Global Manager of Messaging and Content Development

Candace Roulo is Global Manager of Messaging and Content Development for Envalior. Based in Troy, Michigan, she specializes in writing blogs and articles about advanced materials solutions. Prior to joining Envalior, Candace served in editorial roles at SME and Penton Media. Candace earned her bachelor’s degree in communication, specializing in public relations, at Michigan State University’s College of Communication Arts and Sciences.

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