
Register Now: Advanced Materials Forum India & Southeast Asia on Sept. 8

Learn about the latest advanced materials innovations during this complimentary full-day online event

We are one month away from Envalior’s Advanced Materials Forum (AMF) India and Southeast Asia, and  very excited to offer you the opportunity to attend this free 100% online event on Wednesday, 8 September.

The AMF India and Southeast Asia will gather the brightest minds in materials science to give you the latest best practices and applications insights in the industry, along with cutting-edge innovations and advancements.

With in-person events still on-hold as the world continues to battle COVID-19, we wanted to offer the opportunity to stay up to date with the latest material science, applications and trends. Registered attendees will receive complimentary access to every session, as well as on-demand access to the presentation recordings and many of the presentations following the event.

Materials Science, Sustainability and Industry Applications 

The online event features education-building resources, including sessions targeting two tracks:

  • Material Science & Sustainability
  • Industry Applications

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in sustainability initiatives and bio-based plastics, plus design considerations for engineered applications and the importance of utilizing electronics-friendly polyamides. In addition, experts will explore key material trends in the healthcare, water contact, and automotive segments, including electric vehicle charging plugs and how to make electronic components thinner, stronger and safer. You will hear from industry veterans that have seen it all and get their perspective on the future of the material science.

Materials Science & Sustainability Track:

  •  Sustainability at Envalior: Learn about the foundation for Envalior’s sustainability strategy and how we can help you—our customers—on your own sustainability journey.
  • Design Considerations with Materials for Engineered Applications: Learn how to ensure the successful commercial production of your newly developed part via support from our team of experts.
  • Choosing the Right Polyamide for Applications: When you use the optimum material for your application, you avoid overspecification. Learn how to select the right polyamide for your application based on its requirements.
  • The Why & How of Electronics-Friendly Polyamides: Learn what an e-friendly polyamide 46 is and why you need it. Also learn what concepts Envalior uses to make this e-friendly polyamide-46.

Industry Applications:

  • Insights & Trends in Appliance Gears & Actuators: Learn about the key appliance trends driving thermoplastic actuation innovation, including the increasing needs for higher reliability and enhanced performance, and more.   
  • Making Electronic Components Thinner, Stronger & Safer: Thinnovation and safety are paramount in the electronics and mobile device industries. Learn how Envalior partners with consumer electronics industry leaders to design thinner parts while achieving structural properties.
  • Insights and Trends in Electrical Vehicle Charging Plugs: Learn about the trends in the EV market and the best material solutions for EV charging plugs that will meet material requirements.
  • Insights & Trends in Water Contact Applications: Safe and sustainable water contact solutions are more important than ever. Learn about the impact of regulatory changes and market trends are having on the materials you utilize.
  • Covid-19 & Beyond—Engineering Materials for Healthcare: The impact of COVID-19 is enormous for the healthcare industry. With material science innovations we can increase safety and comfort. We will discuss some applications used by patients and healthcare professionals, and how engineering materials can further improve them.
  • Optimizing Performance & Costs of Engine Management Actuator Gears: There is an increased need to reduce engine emissions, resulting in a growing demand for engine management actuators. Learn why these actuators require high durability performance combined with a compact design to meet under-the-hood application requirements.

Who should attend?

Senior engineering and design leaders in India and Southeast Asia seeking to improve automotive, electronics, electrical, healthcare and water contact applications through material science innovation are encouraged to attend AMF. Engineers and designers looking to learn about innovative materials solutions that can be applied to applications in the above-mentioned industry sectors are also welcomed to join this virtual forum.

Register Now

To be part of this unique event, please visit our registration page and sign-up! We look forward to seeing you at the virtual forum in September!

Published on

13 August 2021


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Anand Diwanji

Business Director, India – Envalior

Anand joined Envalior in August 2008 and worked in various roles within Operations & Sales-Marketing. He holds a Masters degree in Management Science & a Bachelors of Engineering from University of Pune.

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